Here is the Association's Privacy Policy Statement:
The Lake Wah-Wash-Kesh Conservation Association supports and abides by the requirement of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Data Act (PIPEDA) . We only collect personal data with approval, using fair and lawful means, and only uses the data for the purpose for which it was collected or as required by law.
The Association supports the right of individuals to inspect their data as it appears in the Association's lists, and have it changed if incorrect or incomplete.
The Association does not sell, lease, rent-out, or lend-out information containing personal information. In the event that the Association considers a request for the use of a list to be beneficial to the membership of the Association, then the Association may release it to another agency with the approval of the persons on the list. Agencies wishing access to lists containing personal information must pay the Association's costs for seeking approval of its use.
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Your Personal Information
by Andy Vurma, Past Association Privacy Officer
The Federal Government's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act came into full force on April 13, 2000. I provide the following background to help you better understand what the Association has done in response. For more information about this Act, see the Privacy Legislation Web site .
The information that the Association has on file for members consists of their names, their spouse's names, their addresses (cottage and home), phone numbers, fax numbers, cell phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and the amount of dues paid each year. In many cases, the information is incomplete because we record only the information released to us by the member or include information that anyone can find elsewhere in the public domain (e.g., a phone book).
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In addition to keeping the original documents submitted by the member, the Association also keeps the membership information on a personal computer. The information is password protected and backed up periodically to portable storage media. Access to this information is limited to the Directors of the Association to allow them to perform their duties. If you would like to see the information that we have on file for you, please contact a Director.
The Association strives to keep your personal information up to date, and as soon as we are aware of a change, we correct the database. If the information is out-of-date, we remove it. Please let us know if your personal information changes by contacting any of the Directors.
The Association collects your personal information so that we can send you the newsletter, letters, or e-mails to communicate with you on various subjects and to send you membership renewal notices. We also use some of this information to produce the Cottage Directory. The Cottage Directory only includes information that anyone can find by searching through various publicly available directories. The Cottage Directories are uniquely numbered, and we keep a record of who bought each directory. We published the last Cottage Directory in the summer of 2004.