Below is a brief description of the Lake WahWashKesh Conservation Association’s Committees.

Lake Plan Taskforce:

Lead Director:  Kathy Deuchars

The membership approved the creation of a Lake Plan Taskforce at its 2023 Annual General Meeting.  The TaskForce will be responsible for developing a comprehensive plan for the lake and an action plan which will guide our work to preserve the natural environment in the future.

The Terms of Reference for the Lake Plan Taskforce can be accessed at: Lake Plan Taskforce Terms of Reference Final

          Current Activities:

Launch of Lake Plan Survey

The Lake Survey has recently been launched.  The survey is being provided for completion by residents, property owners and visitors to the Lake.  The survey results will help determine the priorities and measures to sustain or enhance the health of the Lake environment.

The survey is confidential and available for completion until September 20th.

To access the survey a QR code is provided in the flyer below.

Upon completion of the survey, email to enter your name in a draw for an original painting by Lake resident Maureen Lewis. A sample of her work in contained in the flyer below.


Land Use Planning and Development Committee

Lead Director:  Anna Small

The membership also approved the creation of The Land Use Planning and Development Committee at the 2023 AGM.  The Committee primarily will be responsible for providing input into the review of Whitestone’s Official Plan as well as providing recommendations related to development applications on the Lake.
The Terms of Reference for the Land Use Planning and Development Committee can be accessed at: LUPD Committee Terms of Reference Final

Lake Stewardship 

Lake Stewardship means protecting the environment for current and future generations. On our lake, this involves using volunteers and often non-legislated actions and programs. The Directors of our Conservation Association consider themselves the stewardship committee for Lake Wahwashkesh. Our specific stewardship efforts are focused on the following activities: communication, education, fish enhancement, analysis and testing of our waters, community and lake shore planning, maintaining access to our waters, support for special reserves, maintaining water levels, keeping our lake shores clean and natural, protecting endangered flora and fauna, and as individuals providing proper septic systems. This stewardship approach is the fundamental principle underlying almost all that the Lake Wah-Wash-Kesh Conservation Association does for our beautiful piece of Ontario. top ↑

Projects and Lead Director(s) List

Membership Drive/Lake Directory: Rob Slykhuis, Anna Small
Municipal Dock & Parking Areas Taskforce – Taskforce member from the WWKCA:  Paul Thomson

Water Quality Testing – ​​ Rob Slykhuis

Association Communications:  Lori Graham-Watson

Social Activities:  Paul Thomson


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